Mini Healing of Memories Workshop, St. James Commons, Chicago

The Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and St. Francis Community Services, in partnership with the Institute for Healing of Memories-North America, will offer a half-day workshop on Thursday, November 8, from noon to 5 pm at St. James Commons.   The workshop, co-facilitated by Healing of Memories founder, the Rev. Michael Lapsley, is intended for clergy

Healing of Memories Mini-Workshop Project H.O.O.D

Project H.O.O.D Leadership and Economic Opportunity Center 6330 S King Dr, Chicago

Healing of Memories Mini-Workshop Lead by Father Michael Lapsley   The workshop provides a safe place for participants to explore personal histories and gain insight and empathy for themselves and others, through art and storytelling.    

HOM Workshop Training

Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center 7415 E Elbow Road, Carefree