Healing of Memories Zoom Support Call for Healthcare Workers
September 22, 2020 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
HOM Zoom Support Calls for Healthcare Workers provide a safe, supportive, nonjudgmental, confidential space to share feelings, story, experiences, and to begin to heal past painful experiences, trauma and moral injury. Each Gathering is 90 minutes and will be held in groups of 6 to 8 people.
Participants find support, healing, increased trust, empathy, hope, relief, reassurance and sense of belonging.
“I felt connected and grounded.”
“It was a healing experience.”
“Listening to others share their struggles, concerns, and hopes made me feel I am not alone.”
If you have experienced the personal, professional, emotional tsunami named COVID19 and need a safe, confidential environment in which to begin to heal the moral, personal and professional wounds it brought into your life, please register for a HOM Zoom Support Call.
If you can relate to any of these scenarios, then these Calls may help:
• Feeling fear, depressed, shame, guilt, anger, remorse, grief, frustration, and/or a deep moral/ethical dilemma over what you had been unable to do, or what you personally witnessed.
• Making decisions and taking actions that were morally challenging to you
• Witnessing people dying alone and not being able to help, or having to be a surrogate holding space for people to die without loved ones
• Decisions you had to make or could not make on behalf of patients
• Losing patients, friends, colleagues, loved ones
• Living in fear of being infected or infecting loved ones
• Betrayal by the system that was designed to protect you
• Feeling hurt by the actions of your community in not taking the needs of healthcare workers into consideration
The grief you have had to bear may leave you vulnerable to emotional and psychological harm if not dealt with now.